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SEO Translation Swedish

As an agency for SEO translations in Swedish, we support you in your SEO strategy with regard to internationalization in the Swedish-speaking world. We do not rely on a literal translation of the content, but take into account the local requirements of the Swedish language. With MONDIS, your content will be properly noticed in the Swedish-speaking world.

Multifaceted Swedish

Where are the challenges in SEO translations in Swedish?

Swedish as a North Germanic language is assigned to the East Nordic language group together with Danish, which is why strong similarities can be found due to the history of the two languages and their assignment. Good communication is also possible with Norwegians, as a mixed language has been established here with Svorsk, which is very well understood by the inhabitants of both countries. In an international context, Swedish is spoken by around 10.5 million people, a large proportion of whom speak it themselves. In addition, there is the language use in Finland as well as on the Åland Islands, an autonomous region of Finland. In online marketing and in the topic of “SEO”, this means that an optimization in Swedish must be tailored to three different target markets. There is also the aspect that Sweden is a very large country with regional influences. SEO translations and their use must therefore pay attention to local requirements. Only with the appropriate knowledge and awareness of the regional subtleties can a translation optimally address the customers.

Localize Swedish SEO texts

The use of the Swedish language should not be difficult for Germans, Norwegians, Danes and Finns in particular, since very striking similarities exist and numerous words allow conclusions to be drawn about their own language use. Despite all the similarities, there are regional differences. For example, the Swedish spoken in Finland is subject to the influences of the Finnish language, and English has also gained considerable weight in Scandinavia. In addition, there are regional differences in the spoken language. Local dialects can significantly change the use of individual words and terms. An example of this is the Småland region, a popular holiday destination and the home of Astrid Lindgren. The dialect used here is comparable to “Saxon” in German, which is difficult to understand even by native speakers. The assumption that you can serve the entire Swedish language area with an SEO translation will quickly prove to be wrong. Without the appropriate localization, you will not be able to identify all relevant keywords for the search and find an optimal customer approach, from which trust and a high level of satisfaction result.

Swedish SEO Translations

What are the peculiarities of the Swedish language?

  • Alphabet: The Swedish alphabet consists of 29 letters. The letters å, ä and ö are kept as separate parts of the alphabet. 
  • Pronunciation and melody: Swedish is known for its melodic singsong and sonorous pronunciation. However, this can cause problems when communicating with non-native speakers.
  • Vowels with their own pronunciation: The Swedish “O” sounds mostly like a German “U”. Y and Å have their own pronunciation. 
  • Articles: Swedish has only two articles, “en” and “ett”, but their correct usage is not always immediately obvious. 
  • Verbs: Swedish verbs have only one form for all personal pronouns “Jag är glad, du är söt, han är rolig, vi är lycklig. a”
  • Capitalization: In Swedish, words are capitalized only at the beginning of a sentence and proper nouns.
  • Gender: There are two genders – utrum (masculine/feminine) with the article en and neuter (neuter) with the article ett.

Keyword Research for Swedish

What do people search for in Swedish-speaking countries?

In the Swedish language, it is mainly the subtleties that distinguish a good from a very good SEO translation. Although the language can cover the entirety of the country and also the Swedish-speaking inhabitants of Finland or the Åland Islands, there are regional differences that must be taken into account. In Sweden, particular attention should be paid to how customers are addressed. Inhabitants of metropolises such as Stockholm, Malmö or Gothenburg are more “modern” in their way of life and are very much subject to the influence of the English language as well as advanced technology. Inhabitants of rural regions are somewhat more traditional in their ways and, out of habit, shut themselves off from contemporary influences. In search engine optimization and online marketing, these are very different target groups, which also bring words and terms differently to use.

Which search engine is relevant for Swedish?

As in almost all European countries, the search engine giant Google is dominant. With a market share of 96 percent, the focus is clearly on Google. Bing with 2.3 percent or Yahoo with one percent have hardly any relevance. The situation is similar in Finland. Google holds a market share of 97 percent here, leaving alternatives far behind. Noteworthy are business directories and web entries. Many Swedes use eniro.se, hitta.se or upplysning.se to collect information about residents or companies. A special feature is ratsit.se. Here it is even possible to query income and other information, which makes it easier for companies to address the relevant target groups directly. In Sweden, this information is treated very transparently. There are far fewer restrictions on data protection in northern Europe than in Germany.

E-commerce in Sweden

Online marketing and search engine optimization in Sweden

Sweden is a very progressive country with a lot of innovation coming from it. The northern Europeans are planning to completely abolish cash by 2030 and accordingly have several alternative payment methods. Shops in Sweden, for example, will not be able to do without “Swish”, because the app is a merger of several banks that allows uncomplicated payments among themselves. This not only affects payment contact between customers and companies, but also between customers themselves. This circumstance is likely to be of importance for barter exchanges or similar platforms. In terms of the most popular payment methods, “payment on account” is clearly in the lead. The credit card and the classic bank transfer follow in the other places.

E-commerce & Customer Behaviour in Sweden

Values such as reliability, consistency and security have a great importance in Sweden, and these must be worked out in online marketing. The basis is an excellent SEO translation of the content, whereby the customer approach is made much easier by the affable and always usable “you”. Due to the size of the country alone, online commerce plays a huge role and Swedes, for example, spend 50 percent more than Dutch people. Mobile usage clearly outstrips desktop searches and Swedes are looking for appropriate alternatives from abroad due to high pricing. If the shipping time is within limits, foreign providers who are trustworthy are also readily considered. When designing the website, attention should be paid to accurate product descriptions, a good search function and an understandable, comprehensible navigation.

Tips for Swedish SEO Translations

What are some tips for very good Swedish SEO translations?

  • In Sweden, pay close attention to which region you want to target with your product or service. There are striking differences between urban and rural areas.
  • If you are planning an internationalization in Swedish for Sweden and Finland, you should rely on different SEO translations. The different use of certain terms can lead to misunderstandings.
  • Conduct extensive keyword research in the target market to identify local differences. 
  • Rely on experienced agencies with native speakers for the target market. Swedish has its subtleties that can build fundamental trust. 
  • Especially with the Swedish language, go for a translation that is true to the meaning. A word-for-word translation would significantly reduce the quality and leave the native speakers little room for the local design.
We translate your SEO texts into
  • Greek
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  • Icelandic
  • Italian SEO Translation
  • Japanese
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  • Latvian
  • Lithuanian
  • Luxembourgian
  • Macedonian
  • Malayan
  • Moldavian
  • Norwegian
Get in Touch

MONDIS provides professional SEO translations to make your website visible to international audiences

Michael Q

We adapt existing SEO texts for all desired languages and markets and advise on all factors affecting the visibility of your multilingual website in target markets.

Contact: Michael Quast, Managing Partner
Telephone: +49 30 48496622-0
Email: contact@mondis.de

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