SEO Translation Danish
As an agency for SEO translations in Danish, we support you in your SEO strategy with regard to internationalization in the Danish-speaking world. We do not rely on a literal translation of the content, but take into account the local requirements of the Danish language. With MONDIS, your content will be properly noticed in the Danish-speaking world.
Danish language
What are the challenges with SEO translations in Danish?
The Danish language has had an interesting development and is spoken by more than five million people worldwide in the present day. The assumption that Danish is spoken exclusively in Denmark is fundamentally wrong. Since Greenland and the Faroe Islands are politically part of the country, it is a compelling circumstance that the majority of the people there speak Danish. Nor can we ignore the fact that there is a Danish minority in Schleswig-Holstein in Germany, and emigrants have brought the language to Argentina, Canada and the USA. For online marketing and SEO, such a broad distribution is an interesting challenge, as focusing solely on the country of Denmark could potentially exclude numerous Danish speakers from accessing your website. To reach them comprehensively, SEO translations in Danish need to imply the regional differences.
Localize Danish SEO Texts
A one-size-fits-all SEO translation in Danish for all markets could be responsible for a negative customer experience for your website’s potential users. Instead, it is desirable to focus on a localized translation that meets individual language customs, user habits and customer needs. The customer approach and requirements in Denmark, Greenland or the Faroe Islands already have considerable differences that must be taken into account in a translation. Due to the geographical characteristics, customer needs differ significantly, and access to goods and services is also much easier in Denmark than in Greenland or the individual islands of the Faroe Islands. In any case, many companies are faced with the fundamental question of which markets can be served effectively with their own products and services. A translation by a native speaker should take these special circumstances into account in any case, so that no false impressions or unfulfillable promises are created.
Danish SEO translations
What are the distinctive features of the Danish language?
- High-level language and dialects: The Danish high level language is referred to as “rigsdansk” and is universally used. In addition to the standard language, there are three other dialects that are widely used. “Jysk” is spoken mainly on the Danish mainland, while “Ømål” or “Ødansk” is used mainly on the islands. Bornholm is an exception with its own dialect “Bornholmsk” or “Østdansk”.
- Vowels: There are three vowels in Danish that are not found in German. “æ”, “ø” and “å” have no real German counterpart, but can be imitated in the spoken language with “ä”, “ö” or “o”.
- Borrowings from the English language: Danish has many loan words from English. The words “driver”, “elevator” and “weekend” are examples of this.
- Cases: Similar to English, only the genitive is inflected; the dative and accusative do not change. To form the genitive in Danish, simply add an “s”.
- Gender: In Danish there is no need to distinguish between masculine and feminine. Here there are only two genders with the neuter (neuter) and the utrum (masculine and feminine).
- Consonant change: Hard consonants like “p, t, k” have changed over time in Danish into their soft counterparts “b, d, g”.
keyword research for Danish
What to look for in countries with Danish language?
In order to be able to create a targeted SEO translation into Danish, you must first create a comprehensive keyword research. In doing so, you will find that there can be significant local differences. However, don’t be blinded by the actual search volume, which is many times higher for Denmark than for Greenland or the Faroe Islands. This is due to the small number of inhabitants. It is much more important to pay attention to the local subtleties, because the use of language differs on the islands due to the historical development of the language. The use of different terminology can be decisive in getting potential customers interested in one’s own product or in attracting their attention to it anyway. In addition, the Faroe Islands have their own language, which is also used and is somewhat in competition with Danish.
Which search engine is relevant for Danish?
Besides the habits that are reflected in the keywords, there can be local differences in the use of the search engine. In Denmark itself, Google holds an exceptional position, as in almost all European countries. Its market share is 97.2 percent, which indicates a clear dominance. Bing, Yahoo!, DuckDuckGo and MSN in combination with other search engines can only account for 2.8 percent and are thus actually negligible. A problem arises with the other markets, as no reliable data exists for either the Faroe Islands or Greenland. In addition, it would be necessary to analyse the search behaviour of the Danish minority in Germany in order to reach them. Most of them search in Danish on Google to buy Danish products.
Use Danish language
The most important words and phrases for communicating in Danish
Danish | English |
Goddag! | Good morning! |
Farvel! | Goodbye! |
Tak! | Thank you |
Jeg ville gerne have | I would like to have |
Jeg taler ikke dansk. | I don’t speak Danish. |
Hvordan går det? | How are you? |
Undskyld | Sorry |
E-commerce in Denmark
Online Marketing and Search Engine Optimization in Denmark
Similar to many other countries, e-commerce is a growth market in Denmark. More than four million people now have access to the Internet, which corresponds to 84 percent of the total population. The most eager shoppers are people between the ages of 16 and 24 and consumers between the ages of 35 and 44. 90 percent of them buy a product via online retail at least once a year. The focus is on clothing, shoes and jewelry, which generate sales of more than two billion euros per year. Technology, cameras, household items and books are also very popular.
E-commerce & Customer Behavior in Denmark and other Markets
Denmark as a country allows its residents very good access to all products that can be purchased both stationary and online. Accordingly, the e-commerce landscape and the product range are diverse. Users in Denmark appreciate this and are very happy to shop online. For other Danish-speaking markets, the online process is much more difficult. Particularly in Greenland or the Faroe Islands, precise attention must be paid to whether products or services can be offered in the first place. The logistical challenges there must be included in one’s own website planning.
Tips for Danish SEO Translations
What are the tips for very good Danish SEO translations?
- When doing keyword research, consider the different target markets that could be considered for a Danish content. It is important to keep in mind that in the Faroe Islands, Danish is in competition with another language.
- Conduct extensive keyword research in the target market to identify local differences. Let the research include the fact that influences from other language areas have some importance.
- If you are planning with different target markets, texts and SEO translations should be specially optimised for them.
- Rely on experienced agencies with native speakers for the target market. Danish can differ due to the influence of dialects. Knowing these subtleties ensures a positive user experience.
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Get in Touch
MONDIS provides professional SEO translations to make your website visible to international audiences

We adapt existing SEO texts for all desired languages and markets and advise on all factors affecting the visibility of your multilingual website in target markets.
Contact: Michael Quast, Managing Partner
Telephone: +49 30 48496622-0
Email: contact@mondis.de